Magic in Granada: medieval and Moorish beliefs

Magic in Granada: medieval and Moorish beliefs


2 hs aprox.



Official guide


Audio system





In this tour designed, organized and offered exclusively by Gazal Tours, you will discover a fascinating facet of the city: Andalusi magic and Moorish magic.

We will take a tour of the Albayzín and the city center, to talk about the magical thinking of the time, from a historical and anthropological perspective. You will learn about the talismans and amulets that appear in the famous magical treatise Picatrix, you will know what natal charts and astrology were used for and, in the reformed Maristán, we will talk about how magic influenced medicine. In addition, you will be able to meet beings from Islamic folklore such as djinns, treacherous genies that can transform at will and can grant wishes. We will cross Gran Vía to reach the Royal Chapel; In this Christian environment we will talk about the transition after the conquest and how the Moors, inheriting all that magical tradition, adapted it to the new times by creating spells that have continued to be recited until practically today. We went to Plaza Bibrrambla to find out what role the Inquisition played before these sorceresses and magicians. What happened to them? What were those trials like? What was your procedure that was followed to accuse someone?

You will be part of a small group, a maximum of 15 people, which will allow you to be in a comfortable and close environment; From four people we will use a radio guide team to avoid noise pollution, contribute to quality tourism and so that you do not miss a single detail. To confirm this tour, a minimum of two members in the group is required.

IMPORTANT: This tour is not about ghosts, mysteries or exorcisms. Our objective is to bring you closer to the magical beliefs documented in medieval treatises that governed the life of the Andalusians and the Moors.

Process Reservation

Meeting point

Frequent Q&A

The visit will begin at the Paseo de los Tristes Fountain. You can check the address on the map!

In Plaza Bibrrambla, which is located in the city center.

Look for the light blue umbrella!

– Regulations of the Board of the Alhambra and the Generalife: As you will see when buying the ticket, the Board of the Alhambra requests that the visitor identify himself with his name, surname and D.N.I./Passport. This means that the tickets to the monument are nominative and non-transferable. These data must be entered correctly, with the visitor being directly responsible in case of error. Mandatory: Visitors must carry the original supporting documentation (ID, Passport, Driver's license) during the tour. Copies are not allowed. The entry details must match those of the visitor, in the event of an error the Alhambra may prevent access to the site or suspend the visit during the tour. The organizing company will not be in any way responsible for incidents that may arise from tickets that are not correctly nominated or contain an error.

– The ticket must be kept throughout the tour and until the end of the visit, in case of loss or damage, the tour will not be able to continue. If you do not bring them printed, you can print them at the Alhambra ticket offices before joining the visit, for this you only need the reservation number. To carry out this procedure, you must arrive at the monument with enough time, remember that the visit has a strict departure time.

– Tickets for minors: Children under 3 years of age must necessarily carry their ticket regardless of whether it is free. This ticket is provided at the Alhambra ticket offices.

– People over 65 years of age, students, disabled people: All those who have a ticket with some type of bonus must obligatorily pick it up at the ticket office of the monument, accrediting the discount on the ticket price through the relevant documentation.

Our great objective is that you can enjoy your guided tour of the Alhambra with complete peace of mind, contemplating each of its wonders and knowing each of the details of this World Heritage Site.

For this reason we have implemented security measures that guarantee that our services are safe, with all the hygienic measures so that you can enjoy the Alhambra with peace of mind on a guided tour.

We have carried out a rigorous analysis and implementation of everything necessary, with the training of employees, adaptation of our facilities, digitizing all processes to minimize contact, cleaning and hygiene of all our equipment, and before each departure of a tour we make sure that all the people who are going to do it are informed of the security measures necessary to carry out the guided tour.

Therefore, you can enjoy the guided tour of the Alhambra with Nasrid Palaces with complete peace of mind with your official guide who will show you all the charms of the place.

Radio guides are included if the group is four people or more.

We would love to talk to you!

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