"Shadows of the Pomegranate Tree", by Tariq Ali
"Shadows of the Pomegranate Tree", by Tariq Ali
Today, we wanted to bring you a book recommendation: it was not written by a Granadian, but we believe that it is one of the best works that have been written about the city. Its author, Tariq Ali, was born in Pakistan, in the 60s, in the bossom of a communist family. He participated in several demonstrations against the military dictatorship of his country. His parents, fearing for their son's safety, sent him to study at Oxford, where he graduated in Political Science and Philosophy. Not only did he continue his political activism, but he is also a journalist and author of renowned literary works, his book Shadows of the pomegranate tree being one of the best known.
Shadows of the pomegranate tree was published in 1992. It is a historical and political novel in which the author talks about the situation in Granada after the conquest of the Catholic Monarchs. The story follows a Muslim family that must adapt to the new Catholic city and the new system of government.
In the novel, the author places real events, such as the burning of books that took place in Bibrrambla:
The square is silent. Here and there old bonfires still smoke. Cisneros walks through the ashes with an evil smile on his face, as he plans his next step. Think out loud:
―Any revenge they conceive, driven by their pain, will be useless. We have won. Tonight has been our true victory.
Cisneros understands the power of ideas better than anyone else on the peninsula, even better than the fearsome Isabel. He kicks a stack of charred parchments to the ground. Over the embers of one tragedy the shadow of another lurks furtively.
If you like to read, this work mixes real facts and fiction, so taking advantage of the Book Fair approaching... don't miss it!
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